Base 10 to Base 2 - Will It Fit Method
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Visual Basic

Recordings for Computer Science I at Huntington North (Indiana) High School
  • Base 10 to Base 2 - Will It Fit Method

    01/18/2019 | 03:21

    Converting Base 10 (Decimal) numbers to Base 2 (Binary) numbers

    Base 10 to Base 2 - Will It Fit Method

    Created 01/18/2019
  • Multiple Forms

    03/29/2017 | 12:21

    Implementing multiple forms in a program. A continuation of the Dog Pictures program started at

    Multiple Forms

    Created 03/29/2017
    00:00:06 Renaming a form (right-click in the Solution Explorer)
    00:00:34 Adding a form to a project
    00:04:03 Selecting a start-up form - this also affects the impact of Me.Close( )
    00:05:10 Creating an instance of a new form
    00:05:35 Displaying a form with .ShowDialog( ) - also called modal
    00:06:31 Displaying a form with .Show( ) - also called modeless
    00:07:26 Example of how execution in a sub is suspended with .ShowDialog( ), but not suspended with .Show( )
    00:08:16 Accessing controls on a different form
    00:09:17 Me.Hide( )
    00:10:26 FormClosing event
    00:10:50 Checking DialogResult for a MessageBox - using MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
  • Menu Items

    03/23/2017 | 14:19

    Introduce menu items (MenuStrip & ContextMenuStrip). Shell program available at

    Menu Items

    Created 03/23/2017
    00:00:10 Adding a MenuStrip from the Toolbox
    00:00:24 Naming a top-level menu item with mnu______
    00:00:39 Menu items under other menu items (including how to name them)
    00:02:13 Shortcut keys for menu items
    00:07:40 Rearranging menu items
    00:07:49 Inserting a separator bar
    00:08:25 Checked menu items
    00:09:57 Context menu (a pop-up menu for right-clicks)
    00:13:08 Disable/enable a menu item
  • Passing ByRef (by reference)

    03/16/2017 | 09:18

    Passing arguments to subs/procedures ByRef (by reference) - can also be done with functions. Shell program available at

    Passing ByRef (by reference)

    Created 03/16/2017
    00:01:31 Writing parameters using ByRef so arguments are passed by reference
    00:03:12 Using the parameter variable (intDieValue) to affect the argument variable (intPointsDie1 in btnRollDice_Click)
    00:03:38 Using the parameter variable (picDie) to affect the argument variable (picDie1 in btnRollDice_Click)
    00:05:43 Activating/calling the RollOneDie sub - the arguments will be passed byRef (by reference) so any changes made in the RollOneDie sub will also impact the argument variables in the RollDice_Click sub
    00:08:01 Using a breakpoint to watch the values of the variables change
  • Introduction to Functions

    03/01/2017 | 14:59

    Writing functions. Shell program available at

    Introduction to Functions

    Created 03/01/2017
    00:01:12 Writing a function that calculates and returns the hypotenuse of a right triangle
    00:02:23 Documenting a function
    00:03:38 A function must return a value
    00:03:50 Calling/activating the calcHypotenuse( ) function
    00:04:52 Writing a function that calculates and returns the perimeter of a triangle
    00:06:45 Calling/activating the calcPerimeter( ) function
    00:07:24 Writing a function that calculates and returns the area of a right triangle
    00:09:18 Calling/activating the calcArea( ) function
    00:09:57 Writing a function that takes two Double parameters and returns a String message about which leg of a right triangle is longer (or if they are equal)
    00:12:04 Calling/activating the CompareLegs( ) function
    00:13:13 Keeping a form at one size
    00:14:28 Functions can often be used in other programs.
  • Passing Arguments to a Sub Procedure

    02/11/2016 | 09:48

    Sending information to a sub procedure (arguments - the information that is sent; parameters - the parking places where data arrives). This is a continuation of the ComboBox program.

    Passing Arguments to a Sub Procedure

    Created 02/11/2016
    00:01:32 Declaring a parameter variable in the parentheses - a parking space expecting information to arrive when the sub is activated/called
    00:02:03 Sending information (argument) to a sub procedure
    00:03:34 Using multiple parameter variables - separate with commas and must assign a type (String, Integer, Boolean, Button, PictureBox, etc.)
    00:03:54 Sending multiple pieces of information (parameters) to a sub procedure - the order does make a diference
    00:06:00 A strategy to display random sentences
    00:08:30 Documenting a sub procedure - 1) explain what it does, and 2) describe the parameter variables
  • 6.2 Using a ComboBox

    02/09/2016 | 10:35

    Using a ComboBox; three types of DropDownStyles - DropDown, Simple, & DropDownList; reset a ComboBox. Shell program available at

    6.2 Using a ComboBox

    Created 02/09/2016
    00:00:12 Adding a ComboBox to the form
    00:00:48 Adding items to a ComboBox
    00:01:16 Sorting items in a ComboBox
    00:01:31 DropDownStyle - DropDown (this is the default)
    00:02:25 DropDownStyle - Simple
    00:03:36 DropDownStyle - DropDownList
    00:04:21 TabOrder with a ComboBox
    00:04:52 Using the selected items (or typed in data) from a ComboBox with the .Text property
    00:08:02 Reset a ComboBox
  • Writing Procedures/Subs

    02/09/2016 | 13:17

    Introduction procedures/subs - how to write them and how to activate (call) them. Shell program available at

    Writing Procedures/Subs

    Created 02/09/2016
    00:01:57 Writing a procedure/sub
    00:01:57 Writing a procedure/sub
    00:02:36 Activating (calling) a procedure/sub
    00:02:36 Activating (calling) a procedure/sub
    00:07:26 Utilizing .Tag property to determine which procedure/sub to activate
    00:11:13 Reusing a procedure by activating (calling) it in more than one place
  • Handling Multiple Events with One Event Handler

    01/27/2016 | 06:57

    Using one procedure to handle multiple events. Shell program available at

    Handling Multiple Events with One Event Handler

    Created 01/27/2016
    00:00:36 Adding multiple event handlers to one procedure (in this program, putting the same code from five button click events in just one button click event)
    00:04:04 Using the Tag property of a button
    00:04:47 Determining which button was clicked using sender - notice the (sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
    00:05:30 Getting the city name from the Tag property
  • Intro to For Loops

    01/21/2016 | 12:33

    Writing a For...Next loop; using different step values; summing values in a listbox; nested loops; multi-column listbox. Shell program at

    Intro to For Loops

    Created 01/21/2016
    00:00:17 Writing a For loop (these loops are good when we know how many times/iterations a loop needs to happen)
    00:01:55 Using a variable as a stopping value (also can use a variable as a starting value)
    00:03:10 Starting value can be any number (doesn't have to be 1 or 0)
    00:03:52 Count/step by +2 instead of the default count/step of +1
    00:04:43 Count/step by -1 (backward) instead of the default count/step of +1
    00:05:41 Variable scope
    00:06:34 A loop should have documentation explaining its purpose/what it will do
    00:07:30 Finding the sum of the numeric values in a listbox
    00:09:30 Nested For loops (a For loop inside another For loop)
    00:11:56 The MultiColumn property of a listbox (horizontal scrollbar at bottom)
  • ListBox Double-Click Event

    01/18/2016 | 05:01

    Implementing a double-click event for a ListBox. Shell program available at

    ListBox Double-Click Event

    Created 01/18/2016
    00:00:14 In design time, double-clicking on a ListBox creates a CheckChanged event... but that's not what we want this time.
    00:00:25 Selecting from a list of controls/objects, then selecting from all the possible events for that control/object
    00:00:50 Use .SelectedItem to display what was double-clicked
    00:01:38 Use .SelectedIndex to display the index/position of what was double-clicked
    00:02:32 Un-select items by setting .SelectedIndex = -1
    00:03:22 Use .Items.Count property to make sure the ListBox isn't empty (can't get .SelectedItem or .SelectedIndex if there are no items in the ListBox - the program will crash)
  • Using a ListBox (Part 2)

    01/10/2016 | 08:52

    Using a ListBox - inserting items, removing items at a certain index. Shell program available at

    Using a ListBox (Part 2)

    Created 01/10/2016
    00:00:06 A scrollbar automatically appears when the list is larger than the size of the ListBox
    00:00:44 .Insert (put a new item in the list at a certain index - useful when you want to place the item somewhere besides the end of the list)
    00:06:19 .RemoveAt (remove an item from the ListBox at a particular index)
  • Using a ListBox (Part 1)

    01/10/2016 | 10:45

    Using a ListBox - adding items, determining selected index and selected item, removing an item, and clearing the list. Shell program available at

    Using a ListBox (Part 1)

    Created 01/10/2016
    00:00:10 Putting a ListBox on a form (the three-letter prefix is lst)
    00:00:40 Adding items to the ListBox when designing the program
    00:01:31 .Count property (counts the number of items in the ListBox)
    00:02:13 .SelectedIndex property (the index of the item in the ListBox that is currently highlighted - if no item is selected, it will return -1)
    00:04:19 .SelectedItem property (the item in the ListBox that is currently highlighted).
    00:06:13 .Add (adds an item to the end of the list in the ListBox)
    00:08:05 .RemoveItem (removes an item from the ListBox - if the item isn't in the list, nothing happens)
    00:10:14 .Clear (removes all the items from the ListBox)
  • InputBox & Do...Until or Do...While Loops

    11/30/2015 | 09:23

    Using an InputBox and an introduction to Do...Until and Do...While loops. Shell code for program available at

    InputBox & Do...Until or Do...While Loops

    Created 11/30/2015
    00:00:39 Assigning the response to an InputBox to a String variable
    00:01:55 Editing the title/caption of an InputBox
    00:02:26 Editing the default response of an InputBox
    00:04:09 Using a Do...Until loop to control user input - no escape from loop until we get what we want
    00:05:45 Using a Do...While loop to control user input - no escape from loop while we keep getting what we don't want
    00:06:51 Using a separate variable to hold the response to an InputBox
  • Timer & ToolTip Example

    11/24/2015 | 11:32

    How to use a Timer and ToolTip. Shell code for program available at

    Timer & ToolTip Example

    Created 11/24/2015
    00:00:17 Adding a Timer control (it appears at the bottom)
    00:00:28 Interval is in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second; 100 milliseconds = 1/10 second)
    00:00:47 Starting a timer
    00:01:32 Stopping a timer
    00:02:12 Using a counter variable to keep track of elapsed time
    00:03:25 Reset a "stopwatch"
    00:09:33 Adding a ToolTip control
    00:09:55 Editing a control's ToolTip
  • TryParse Methods

    11/14/2015 | 11:24

    Using Integer.TryParse( ) and Double.TryParse( ) to convert String data to a numeric data type. The shell program is available at

    TryParse Methods

    Created 11/14/2015
    00:01:13 Using Integer.TryParse( ) to convert String data to an integer. If the data can be converted, then TryParse assigns the converted data to the integer variable and returns TRUE (that's why it is handy to use with IF statements); if TryParse can't convert the data, nothing is assigned to the variable and it returns FALSE.
    00:06:01 Using Double.TryParse( ) to convert String data to an double. If the data can be converted, then TryParse assigns the converted data to the double variable and returns TRUE (that's why it is handy to use with IF statements); if TryParse can't convert the data, nothing is assigned to the variable and it returns FALSE.
  • Invisible RadioButton & RadioButton_Click event

    11/13/2015 | 06:58

    Using an invisible RadioButton (making its checked property = true so it appears that no RadioButtons are checked). Using the Click event (instead of CheckChanged event) for RadioButtons. Download shell program at

    Invisible RadioButton & RadioButton_Click event

    Created 11/13/2015
    00:00:34 Using an Image variable (imgSomething)
    00:01:27 Using the Click event (instead of CheckChanged) for a RadioButton
    00:02:59 Getting to an event procedure without double-clicking on a control
    00:04:01 Implementing an invisible RadioButton
  • String Methods and RadioButtons

    11/11/2015 | 14:58

    Using RadioButtons in a GroupBox; String methods, including .ToUpper, .ToLower, .Length, .IndexOf(), .Substring(). Also IsNumeric() Shell program located at How could you use an IF block to address a program that crashes when it searches for a subtring that is longer than the original string (try using a three-letter word in the program we created - it should crash)?

    String Methods and RadioButtons

    Created 11/11/2015
    00:00:43 Validate input (make sure users put something in textboxes)
    00:02:34 Comparing strings with = , &lt;, &gt;
    00:05:31 Add a GroupBox and two RadioButtons (three-letter prefix for RadioButtons is rad)
    00:06:44 When a group of RadioButtons is in a GroupBox, exactly one of them must be checked
    00:07:28 Use if to discover which RadioButton is checked
    00:08:13 .ToUpper and .ToLower
    00:09:29 .Length - how many characters are in a String
    00:10:04 .IndexOf( ) - looking for the position/index of a specific character or substring (group of characters)
    00:12:37 IsNumeric(put a String in here to check out)
    00:14:31 .Substring - finding a smaller string inside a larger string
  • Select Case (Random Colors)

    11/09/2015 | 07:18

    Using Select Case; implementing a static variable. Shell program available at

    Select Case (Random Colors)

    Created 11/09/2015
    00:00:58 Select Case
    00:03:13 Case #, #, #
    00:04:08 Case # to #
    00:05:05 Case Else
    00:06:01 Static variable
  • Random Numbers 1

    10/26/2015 | 12:50

    Introduction to random numbers using .nextDouble() and .next() Shell program is at . Song files available at

    Random Numbers 1

    Created 10/26/2015
    00:00:34 Creating a Random object
    00:01:16 Using .nextDouble()
    00:01:53 Using .next() with one number (one argument) in the ()
    00:02:43 Using .next() with two numbers (two arguments) in the ()
    00:05:48 AudioPlayMode options (BackgroundLoop, Background, or WaitToComplete)
    00:07:14 Importing WAV files into VB projects
    00:08:01 Using If-ElseIf to turn random numbers into random songs
  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 2 (IF-ELSE)

    10/21/2015 | 02:08

    Introduction to IF-ELSE statements; Shell program available at

    Dog Years to Human Years Part 2 (IF-ELSE)

    Created 10/21/2015
  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 3 (IF-ELSEIF)

    10/21/2015 | 11:33

    Introduction to IF-ELSEIF statements; flag variable; using conditional operators (Not, And, Or). Shell program available at

    Dog Years to Human Years Part 3 (IF-ELSEIF)

    Created 10/21/2015
    00:00:00 Using ElseIf
    00:03:42 Flag variable
    00:07:25 Using Not as a conditional operator
    00:08:31 Using And as a conditional operator
    00:09:55 Using Or as a conditional operator
  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 1 (IF)

    10/19/2015 | 09:14

    Introduction to IF statements; using TextChanged events; Shell program available at

    Dog Years to Human Years Part 1 (IF)

    Created 10/19/2015
    00:02:31 Typing an IF statement
    00:05:45 TextChanged event for a TextBox
  • Debugging Introduction VB

    09/23/2015 | 08:25

    Introduction to debugging in Visual Basic (with breakpoints)

    Debugging Introduction VB

    Created 09/23/2015
    00:00:42 Add breakpoint
    00:01:50 Mouse hover to see values
    00:05:49 Add watch
  • Button Clicking Fun

    09/21/2015 | 13:47

    Turning on Word Wrap; more about MessageBox; class-level (called global in this video) variables; counter variables; running total variables; clear/reset labels and global variables

    Button Clicking Fun

    Created 09/21/2015
    00:00:51 Turning on Word Wrap
    00:01:25 More about MessageBox (including captions, button options, & icon options)
    00:04:23 Class-level (called global in this video) variables
    00:05:39 Counter variables using +=1
    00:08:40 Running total variables using += amount to add (or -= amount to subtract)
    00:10:36 Clear/reset labels and global variables
  • Shipping Shoes Part 2 VB

    09/14/2015 | 07:02

    Using Const to declare constant (final) values; try-catch blocks

    Shipping Shoes Part 2 VB

    Created 09/14/2015
    00:00:00 Using Const to declare constant (final) values
    00:02:51 Introduction to try-catch blocks
  • Shipping Shoes Part 1 VB

    09/11/2015 | 14:45

    Shipping shoes - every 100 pairs of shoes are sent in a crate; leftover shoes are sent in boxes. Integer division ( \ ); modulus division (mod); converting data with CInt() and CStr()

    Shipping Shoes Part 1 VB

    Created 09/11/2015
    00:02:21 How can we determine what variables we will need?
    00:05:15 Getting numeric data out of a textbox - need to convert String to numeric
    00:06:47 Using integer division ( \ ) and modulus division (mod)
    00:09:44 Display numeric information - need to use CStr() to convert to String to put in label
    00:10:43 Coding CLEAR (or reset) event
    00:12:44 Review of regular division ( / )
  • Calculations

    09/10/2015 | 14:06

    Set Option Strict to true; perform basic mathematical operations; convert numeric data to String


    Created 09/10/2015
    00:00:00 Set Option Strict to true
    00:08:12 Writing mathematical operations
    00:10:02 Convert numeric data to String
  • Textbox - Day 2

    09/09/2015 | 14:58

    Clearing data from textboxes and labels; focus; tab order; accept and cancel buttons; access keys

    Textbox - Day 2

    Created 09/09/2015
    00:02:32 Clearing data from textboxes and labels
    00:06:45 Assigning focus to a textbox
    00:08:15 Editing tab order
    00:11:25 Assigning accept and cancel buttons
    00:13:18 Access keys
  • Textbox - Day 1

    09/09/2015 | 14:45

    Adding textboxes and declaring String variables

    Textbox - Day 1

    Created 09/09/2015
    00:03:25 Adding textboxes
    00:05:59 Text align property (left, center, or right)
    00:11:51 Declaring a String variable
    00:12:46 Assigning values to variables
    00:13:31 Putting Strings together (concatenation)
    00:14:13 Adding a space between Strings we put together
  • Enable & Disable Buttons (Button Stuff 2)

    08/26/2015 | 10:41

    Enabling/disabling buttons; border styles for labels; flat style for buttons

    Enable & Disable Buttons (Button Stuff 2)

    Created 08/26/2015
    00:08:19 Flat style for buttons
  • Base 10 to Base 2 - Will It Fit Method
    01/18/2019 | 03:21
    Base 10 to Base 2 - Will It Fit Method
    03:21 >

  • Multiple Forms
    03/29/2017 | 12:21
    Multiple Forms
    12:21 >

  • Menu Items
    03/23/2017 | 14:19
    Menu Items
    14:19 >

  • Passing ByRef (by reference)
    03/16/2017 | 09:18
    Passing ByRef (by reference)
    09:18 >

  • Introduction to Functions
    03/01/2017 | 14:59
    Introduction to Functions
    14:59 >

  • Passing Arguments to a Sub Procedure
    02/11/2016 | 09:48
    Passing Arguments to a Sub Procedure
    09:48 >

  • 6.2 Using a ComboBox
    02/09/2016 | 10:35
    6.2 Using a ComboBox
    10:35 >

  • Writing Procedures/Subs
    02/09/2016 | 13:17
    Writing Procedures/Subs
    13:17 >

  • Handling Multiple Events with One Event Handler
    01/27/2016 | 06:57
    Handling Multiple Events with One Event Handler
    06:57 >

  • Intro to For Loops
    01/21/2016 | 12:33
    Intro to For Loops
    12:33 >

  • ListBox Double-Click Event
    01/18/2016 | 05:01
    ListBox Double-Click Event
    05:01 >

  • Using a ListBox (Part 2)
    01/10/2016 | 08:52
    Using a ListBox (Part 2)
    08:52 >

  • Using a ListBox (Part 1)
    01/10/2016 | 10:45
    Using a ListBox (Part 1)
    10:45 >

  • InputBox & Do...Until or Do...While Loops
    11/30/2015 | 09:23
    InputBox & Do...Until or Do...While Loops
    09:23 >

  • Timer & ToolTip Example
    11/24/2015 | 11:32
    Timer & ToolTip Example
    11:32 >

  • TryParse Methods
    11/14/2015 | 11:24
    TryParse Methods
    11:24 >

  • Invisible RadioButton & RadioButton_Click event
    11/13/2015 | 06:58
    Invisible RadioButton & RadioButton_Click event
    06:58 >

  • String Methods and RadioButtons
    11/11/2015 | 14:58
    String Methods and RadioButtons
    14:58 >

  • Select Case (Random Colors)
    11/09/2015 | 07:18
    Select Case (Random Colors)
    07:18 >

  • Random Numbers 1
    10/26/2015 | 12:50
    Random Numbers 1
    12:50 >

  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 2 (IF-ELSE)
    10/21/2015 | 02:08
    Dog Years to Human Years Part 2 (IF-ELSE)
    02:08 >

  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 3 (IF-ELSEIF)
    10/21/2015 | 11:33
    Dog Years to Human Years Part 3 (IF-ELSEIF)
    11:33 >

  • Dog Years to Human Years Part 1 (IF)
    10/19/2015 | 09:14
    Dog Years to Human Years Part 1 (IF)
    09:14 >

  • Debugging Introduction VB
    09/23/2015 | 08:25
    Debugging Introduction VB
    08:25 >

  • Button Clicking Fun
    09/21/2015 | 13:47
    Button Clicking Fun
    13:47 >

  • Shipping Shoes Part 2 VB
    09/14/2015 | 07:02
    Shipping Shoes Part 2 VB
    07:02 >

  • Shipping Shoes Part 1 VB
    09/11/2015 | 14:45
    Shipping Shoes Part 1 VB
    14:45 >

  • Calculations
    09/10/2015 | 14:06
    14:06 >

  • Textbox - Day 2
    09/09/2015 | 14:58
    Textbox - Day 2
    14:58 >

  • Textbox - Day 1
    09/09/2015 | 14:45
    Textbox - Day 1
    14:45 >

  • Enable & Disable Buttons (Button Stuff 2)
    08/26/2015 | 10:41
    Enable & Disable Buttons (Button Stuff 2)
    10:41 >