Release Date

Exciting News

Easily toggle to a round webcam, preview Stories, and more!

You can now further personalize your videos with a circular webcam in the free screen recorder. Easily toggle between rectangle and circle webcam with the newer, more modern user interface.

What’s new:

  • New webcam buttons to toggle between rectangle and circle, small (picture-in-picture), large, or hidden webcam.
  • Free users can now preview the interactive storyboard editor, Stories. Create, edit, and preview your Story.
  • You can now launch the tools from the tray experience (without requiring a login).

What’s improved:

  • Microsoft was placing the ScreenPal folder in OneDrive by default, which led to some sync issues. We have updated the location of the ScreenPal folder, for more reliable access.

What’s fixed:

  • Stock images are now added to your “Recent” images for easier overlays.
  • Exported videos weren’t always taking their updated names. They now do!
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