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Video link generator

Share your video with the world – or just a few friends – with a custom video link. Keep the focus on your video with ad-free videos. Create unique video links to personalize your message and share securely with video link privacy settings.

Create a video link in seconds Create a video link in seconds
Share videos securely Share videos securely
Free hosting, no ads ever Free hosting, no ads ever
Customize video links Customize video links

Share your videos quickly and securely with a video link

Easily share your videos

Simply upload your video from any device and grab your video link to share anywhere. Use quick share buttons to share your video via email or social media easily. You can also copy a responsive embed code to add the video to your pages. Viewers will experience videos in an ad-free video player.

share video links

Customize your video links

Custom links help you stand out and personalize your message. Create a short link and make it easy to remember. Make multiple, unique links for different audiences. Just type in your custom link text, click to copy your video link and share!

share video links

How to create a video link

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Upload video

Upload your video to ScreenPal’s free video hosting platform from any device.

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Generate video link

Copy the direct link to your video from the video detail page, or create a custom video link.

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Simply paste your video link anywhere to share it with others!

Share your video with ease

Easily share your video with any audience using ScreenPal’s video links! Create custom short links and manage video privacy to share your way.

Business videos

Target your message to your audience with custom video links. Stand out with easy-to-remember short links. Share your video online or privately with your colleagues.

Education videos

Focus your students’ attention on your lessons, not on distracting ads and inappropriate content. Share videos with parents, peers, and students using secure video links.

Personal videos

Quickly share your hobbies and interests with friends and family using a video link. Share a private link for family memories, or share video links on social media to engage your followers.

Manage and share unlimited videos for free

Upload and manage all of your videos safely and securely for free. Embed your videos anywhere with ScreenPal’s high-quality, ad-free, 508-compliant accessible video player. Organize all of your content in folders, manage your video privacy, and showcase your content in playlist and carousel channels. 
share unlimited videos

Customize video title and description

You’re in control of your video’s settings. Set a custom thumbnail to attract viewers, and update anytime to optimize your video. Update your video title and description to set expectations and give your viewer’s context. And control your video’s visibility with robust privacy settings. 
customize video settings

Create and host professional videos for free

ScreenPal is your all-in-one video creation solution for capturing, editing, and sharing professional-looking videos for free. Create video promos, slideshows, training videos, and more on any device with the free screen recorder and video editor.

Video link
Video link
Video link
Video link
Video link
Video link

Personalize the viewing experience

Build your brand and grow your audience with ScreenPal’s premium hosting features. Customize your video player with your brand colors and add your logo to your videos and content channels. 
custom video player

Gain insights with video analytics

Gain actionable insights into your content performance with advanced video analytics and video heatmaps. Understand how your viewers are engaging with your videos, where they drop off, and what content resonates (or doesn’t). 
video analytics

Upgrade for complete content sharing

Captivate your audience and stand out on any channel with a ScreenPal subscription. Create interactive video experiences with quizzes, polls, and call-to-action buttons, brand your video player, and optimize your content with advanced video analytics.
Paid features include:

Video link: Frequently asked questions

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